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Liber Dock Talks - pay gap between men and women (video)

This Liber Dock Talks discusses unequalpay particularly between men and women: the pay gap.

Recently, CBS showed that women still earn less than men. The cause of this paygap is lack of transparency. New European legislation is in the making for this. The European Parliament has agreed on 5 April 2022.


There will be an obligation to provide information, secrecy clauses will be prohibited and there will be an obligation to publish.


In case of a pay gap of more than 2.5%, there is an obligation to evaluate the gap together with the unions.


How should an employer safeguard equalpay, now and in the future?


Liber Dock provides practical tools and advice for employers to deal responsibly with their rewardpolicy and to avoid inequality in pay between men and women.




Source: Liber Dock Talks - Unequal Pay - YouTube

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Maartje Oliemans-Ouwehand - Linkedin

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