
With more than 2.85 million members and more than 1.100 clubs, Basic-Fit is the European market leader in the calue-for-money fitness market. It all started with one man, René Moos (Dutch, former professionnal tennis player) and a very big idea, to make fitness axxessible to evryone, evywhere.
The company is now present in the Benelux, Spain, Germany and France, its biggest market.
With around 7.000 employees Europe wide, we operate a straight forward membership model, offering personalised fitness solutions that are both affordable and easy to access for everyone.
Building on our longstanding expertise, we combine a flexible low-cost membership model with high-quality fitness equipment and technology, and virtual + live group lessons.
We believe that all people should have access to the power of fitness, from novice to athlete. Our proposition is responsding to the essential fitness needs of people who care about being fit and active.
Our goal is to open 3.000-3.500 clubs by 2030 at a group level. In France, Basic-Fit has around 600 clubs, +1 million members and around 3.000 employees. There is at least one Basic-Fit club in all cities with at least 30K inhabitants (except Ile de France). In the coming years, we will continue our expansion in France to reach the target of 1.000 - 1.300 clubs and make fitness accessible to everyone and a habit people love.