Networking Cocktail | TMF Group
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Wine & Cheese Networking | TMF GROUP
L'équipe de la CCI France Pays-Bas, en partenariat avec TMF GROUP, est heureuse de vous convier à l'évènement : Wine & Cheese Networking | TMF Group, qui aura lieu le jeudi 17 octobre 2024.
Lors de cet événement, une comparaison sera faite entre ''faire des Affaires en France et aux Pays-Bas'' sur la base du rapport GBCI 2024, ainsi qu'une brève présentation sur le Global Business Complexity dans la région EMEA.
About TMF Group
With more than 10,000 colleagues across 125 offices in 86 jurisdictions, all working to the same high standards of service and security, we provide our clients with local expertise where it is needed most. Our locations cover 92% of world GDP and 95% of FDI inflow.
We are a key part of our clients’ governance, providing the accounting, tax, payroll, fund administration and legal entity management services essential to their success. We make sure rules are followed, reputations protected and operational compliance maintained.
Our clients include the majority of the Fortune Global 500, FTSE 100 and top 300 private equity firms. We see ourselves as a partner to them, keeping them on top of complex rules and regulations in the country they are active.
We recognise that what we do is critical to our clients’ reputation and integrity. That is why we have made flawless service our single obsession. Great service starts with our people, so colleague and client engagement are the two measures we care most about, driving our management agenda and investment.
Modalités d'accès

Networking Cocktail | TMF Group
L'événement est terminé.

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