Boost your business abroad !
It is more and more difficult to find the right talent within a reasonable period of time.
Talent planning is more important than ever. Therefore, we offer you a unique platform to source your talents.
On December 9th, during an online conference, 21 French Higher Education Institutions will present their Education Cursus!
They will also be available for a B2B meeting in order to see whether their students could be an asset for your company.
Do not hesitate any longer and invest in the future of you company by signing up (for free!) to this conference.
The French Higher Education day is a 100% digital event that will bring together, on December 9th, 180 companies from 10 countries and 21 French higher education institutions, among the most important and active in their field.
The academic excellence
France possesses one of the best higher education systems in the world and one of the most affordable for students, allowing a rare diversity.
The French universities and Grandes Ecoles (engineering and management schools) participating in the event offer a wide range of courses to support companies.
Their highly qualitative and diversified training programs, both at the initial training level (full-time training or apprenticeship) and at the continuing education level for experienced employees, is based on their very active research conducted in their institutions.
French higher education is internationally renowned for the outstanding achievements of French researchers. France ranks #2 worldwide in the field of mathematics with thirteen Fields medals, and sixty-five Nobel prizes.
We invite you to discover and meet this internationally well-known higher education model.
The excellence of these institutions is recognized throughout the world. In addition, the institutions rank in the most prestigious international rankings: Times Higher Education, Financial Times, the Shanghai ranking, and the European Union ranking.
A large number of French institutions rank in the top 50 of the Shanghai ranking, which is mainly based on research results.
Academic excellence "Made in France" perfectly meets the needs of the future of your companies!
French Higher Education Day
L'événement est terminé.

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