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Women in work index 2022 by PwC
Building an inclusive workplace in a net zero world.
Annual boost to OECD GDP from increasing the female employment rate to match that of Sweden
Female labour force participation down one percentage point from 2019
More women became unemployed between 2019 and 2020
Annual boost to OECD female earnings from closing the gender pay gap
This year, we celebrate a decade of PwC’s Women in Work Index. The report gives us an opportunity to reflect on the very real impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on women’s lives, jobs, economic prosperity, and broader wellbeing; and importantly to look towards the future.
In 2020, the Women in Work Index fell for the first time in its history due to impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. After a decade of slow but steady improvement in women’s employment outcomes, progress towards gender equality in work was set back by at least two years across the 33 Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries in our analysis. Women’s employment losses from the COVID-19 pandemic were relatively worse than men’s. This was demonstrated by higher female unemployment rates and lower female labour market participation in 2020 across the OECD.
Around the world, economies are recovering from the damage done by the COVID-19 pandemic; and government and business action to address the climate crisis is higher than ever. The new green jobs being created in the transition to net zero present huge opportunities for economies and workforces globally.
Explore the key findings from the research below and find out what governments and organisations can do to improve outcomes for women in work, and lay down a blueprint for a sustainable, prosperous, and inclusive future world of work for all.
You can also explore the Women in Work Index results at a country level using our interactive data tool.
If you have any questions about our research, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
The global view

For the first time, New Zealand tops the Women in Work Index with Luxembourg and Slovenia taking second and third place. The UK is the biggest climber in the rankings, while Canada suffers the largest slide.