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New member - Josiane

Unlock the French and Dutch Markets with Josiane
Increase your market share with tailor-made communication and marketing strategies for successful growth. Our services focus on your business success, from strategic planning and concepting, to branding and identity, advertising, promotion and social media, UX design and e-commerce.

Stand out in the market and avoid cultural blunders with transcreation, localisation and translation. Our team ensures the best-performing brand and media strategy and reports on the ROI of your advertising campaigns.
We have partners such as NLBC in France and the French Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands to provide additional support and resources.
At Josiane, we are guided by the principles of family and love, transparency and collaboration in building solid and long-term relationships for success and growth.

Open up the French and Dutch markets with Josiane
Unlock the French and Dutch market with our tailor-made communication and marketing strategies, transcreation, localisation and translation services, best-performing brand and media strategy, ROI reporting and support from partners such as NLBC and the French Chamber of Commerce for business success led by family, love, transparency and collaboration.
To see who Josiane really is and their work, click : HERE